World sleep day: Fidia launches the "sleep&heart" project
Fidia proudly supports the important aim of the World Sleep Day and launches the SLEEP&HEART (Sonnoo&Cuore) project, aiming to explore the ripple effect of insomnia on body function’.
The project
The purpose of the Sleep&Heart project is o explore the ripple effect of insomnia, breathing disorders and disturbance to the circadian sleep pattern on body function, leading to pathological mechanisms common to several chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity, and increase awareness on these aspects among health professionals, with the ultimate objective of enabling them to identify patients with sleep disorders or related cardio-metabolic conditions in a timely manner.
The project consists of two national training courses, aiming to train general practitioners and specialists on: a) identification of associations between sleep disorders, respiratory disorders during sleep, desynchronization of the sleep-wake rhythm and cardio-metabolic health, b) improve the diagnostic and prognostic framework of patients with insomnia affected by cardio-metabolic comorbidity, c) increase the level of therapeutic appropriateness in the management of respiratory disorders during sleep and sleep disturbances with a focus on the chronobiotic approach.
The partnership
The Sleep&Heart Project is being supported by
- AIMS – Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (Italian Association of Sleep Medicine)
- SIIA – Associazione Italiana dell’Ipertensione Arteriosa (Italian Society of Hypertension)
and falls under the aegis of the World Sleep Society, with a dedicated section in the World Sleep Day website World Sleep Day